President's Steering Committee on Budget and Financial Operations Enhancements

President's Steering Committee on Budget and Financial Operations Enhancements

NDSU is embarking on an effort to re-envision aspects of our University budget model to incentivize financial growth via a new tuition incentive model and financial operations assessment.  We have partnered with the Huron Consulting Group to assist in gathering information regarding how financial activities are distributed across our workforce.




我们认识到我们大学面临的财政压力, 部分原因是由于入学人数下降导致的收入减少. 以支持我们大学更强大的财务未来, we are engaging leaders across the University to support a re-envisioning of our budget model via a new tuition incentivization plan and a financial operations assessment that will support long-term budget and financial success.  We look forward to working collaboratively with you throughout this process.

Each workstream in the project is divided into phases that tie to our project timeline. 这些阶段包括:



第一阶段:评估与展望(2022年7月- 9月)

这个阶段包括数据收集和审查. Data collected will include reports from our current systems and interviews with stakeholders, which will be used to assess areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. 此外, 指导原则 and a vision for the tuition incentive model redesign will be discussed and agreed upon by the Steering Committee during this phase.

第二阶段:财务建模(2022年8月- 10月)

This phase includes the design of a preliminary tuition incentive model using the information gathered in Phase 1. We will socialize, refine and validate the test model using various scenarios. 我们的领导团队, Steering Committee and Working Group will work to ensure that the model and assumptions align with the established 指导原则 and objectives for this project. This phase will also include meetings with Deans across campus to discuss the model structure and inputs.


During this phase, there will be additional stakeholder engagement and model customization. The work in this phase will move the tuition incentive model closer to a customized product. 在这个阶段, there will be a series of meetings with University leaders and stakeholder groups to discuss tuition incentive model elements and framework.


This phase involves developing the infrastructure for the new tuition incentive model, 包括过程的细化, procedures and policies to ensure model design elements and operations support NDSU’s mission, 理想及价值观.



第一阶段:评估与展望(2022年7月- 9月)

这个阶段包括数据收集和审查. Data collected will include interview and focus groups of stakeholders on campus, which will be used to assess areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. 将举行业务流程焦点小组讨论, an activity assessment will be sent to a select group of employees and a current state report will be provided to set the stage for Phase 2. 此外, 指导原则 and a vision for the financial operations assessment redesign will be created during this phase.

第二阶段:设计(2022年10月- 12月)

This phase will begin with a series of workshops that will conceptualize future-state operations and transition this project from a conceptual framework to a deployable process. 研讨会将有助于确定最佳的操作结构, 定义转换到未来状态操作模型的计划, 确定必要的治理结构, and establish financial and operational performance metrics that will measure success and progress throughout the implementation. 在这个阶段结束的时候, 将提供一份未来的国家报告, 执行前活动将开始.


这一阶段将建立范围内的财务结构和团队, 确定实现时间表, 定义过渡活动. 一旦这些项目得到确认, a comprehensive roadmap and toolkit will be developed that includes user-friendly templates, 资源, and supporting tools that outline discrete steps for a successful roll-out of services.


作为这个项目的一部分, the Steering Committee established 指导原则 to describe priorities for a desired future at NDSU.

与批地使命的策略一致: 支持2021-2026年战略计划, land grant mission and prior investments by developing a resource allocation and operating model that provides support and incentives to decision-makers and prioritizes 资源 for institutional effectiveness.

权力和责任: Align units’ resource authority with accountability to empower decision-makers to be efficient, 企业家精神和协作精神.

简单性: Develop and communicate resource allocation and operating models that are easy to understand, 解释, 和维护.

信任和透明度: Incorporate collaborative governance and communicate clear information that promotes trust and transparency.



President's Steering Committee on Budget and Finance Operations Enhancement
This is the homepage for the President's Steering Committee on Budget and Finance Operations Enhancement website and includes information about the tuition incentive model, 运营评估并提供项目更新.

This page contains information on the various teams and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of the new financial operating model.

This page contains information on the various teams and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of the new financial operating model.

This page contains information regarding the foocus group departments represented.




This is the homepage for the Accounting Service Center and includes information about the project background and financial impact to NDSU.

This is the homepage for the President's NDSU变换 website and includes information about the project initiation, 沟通, 背景资料及对NDSU的影响.

This page includes information to contact a member of the NDSU变换 team.
